Explore how we have turned client's challenges into success stories

Ever x EEC Smart Hospital Network

Learn about how Thailand's government tapped Ever to build out the healthcare infrastructure for one of the kingdom's fastest growing regions

Who ?

The Eastern Economic Corridor is a fast-growing region of Thailand; it includes the provinces Chachoengsao, Chonburi, and Rayong. There has been heavy investments into the region aimed at building it out as an economic hub for Thailand's key industries, with medical tourism set as one of the key priorities.

The Problem

Hospitals in this region are historically underfunded; whilst some operate on archaic hospital information systems with little to no data interoperability. Many were still using paper-based processes, requiring patients to print out their patient records/healthcare information and physically deliver it to another referred hospital.

Highly inefficient processes leading to long queues and wait times; physicians spent more time on paperwork than with patients

Cumbersome paperwork management with high risk of errors whilst scanning, copying, or filling in

Common instances of unnecessarily repeated diagnostic tests especially for referred patients due to lack of a unified patient health record

Our solution

Ever deployed our MedOS+ solution for hospitals across the region, and leveraged our proprietary blockchain-based HIE to facilitate seamless data transfer between hospitals

Reduced repetitive diagnostic tests by allowing data transfers with standardized HL7 format

Installed self-service functionalities including self-check-in, self-payment, and tele-medicine to reduce administrative burden

Residents in the EEC region can access their patient record from any hospital within the EEC hospital network due to MedOS+ data interoperability

Leveraged integrated dataset to develop a high-level epidemiology dashboard for the local public health authorities

EverApp in collaboration with Thailand-based hospital

Learn about how Ever helped a leading Thai Teaching Hospital respond to secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Who ?

A teaching hospital in the center of Bangkok, renowned for its outstanding clinical services, medical training, and urban health initiatives. It has an in-patient capacity of 900 beds, with 700k outpatient visits and 300k inpatient visits per year.

The Problem

Pandemic meant patients found it difficult and risky to travel to hospital for regular check-ups

Large demand spike due to COVID-related patient visits, but supply constraints due to quarantining measures

Social distancing measures meant limited space in public areas including the waiting room

Our solution

Ever developed a TeleMed application in collaborataion with Vajira hospital. The app is based on our proprietary EverApp product but customized specifically to the needs of the Hospital.

Online consultations via phone/video calls, online prescriptions with integrated online pharmacy, and at-home booking services created new "contactless" models for receiving care

Document requests, appointment requests, medical records access meant patients had direct access to their data without the hassle of requesting or collecting their documents

Ever's nation-wide rollout of MedOS+

Learn about how Ever is unifying ~25million patient records across 38 districts to ensure interoperability and facilitate public health monitoring

Who ?

Hospital networks across 38 provinces in an emerging economy with ~25 million patients under its care network

The Problem

Lack of data interoperability due to differing data storage standards means clunky patient referral processes

Time-consuming and manual processes for information transfer means many layers of consent and paper-based document still required

Lack of unified health record and improper data storage methodology

Our solution

Ever is in the process of rolling out our MedOS+ HIE solution with built-in EverRefer capabilities across these provinces

Patients will be able to access their profile from any hospital in the province, and hospitals can easily contribute to and access the unified health record stored on the cloud once given patient consent

In the next phase, patients will have direct access to and self-sovereignty of their unified health record on their phone, allowing them to easily share their data to any provider in the network they wish

We have also installed our EverAgents at each of these provincial level HIE that gathers high-level, anonymized data insights to aggregate them for nation-wide public health monitoring

Ever's Integrated Full-suite Offering

Learn about how Ever's full product suite will revolutionize how ~30 million patients experience healthcare across an African nation

Who ?

Public hospital network in Africa with ~30 million patients under its care network

The Problem

Highly manual, paper-based processes within hospitals with lack of data interoperability across hospitals

Lack of patient engagement in the health journey as patients lack visibility and control

Poor data storage methodology due to lack of encryption and lack of data processing prior to storage

Our solution

Ever is in the process of rolling out our full suite of integrated solution

Our EverApp connects with the HIS and HIE, allowing patients to have full

In the next phase, patients will have direct access to and self-sovereignty of their unified health record on their phone, allowing them to easily share their data to any provider in the network they wish

We have also installed our EverAgents at each of these provincial level HIE that gathers high-level, anonymized data insights to aggregate them for nation-wide public health monitoring

See what our customers are saying

"We found a significant drop in claims denial thanks to the claims adjudication system. Even when we get the rare denial, the system lets us know what went wrong and suggests actions so we wouldn’t have to dive into correct it ourselves."

"I now have a full-view of a patient’s laboratory and radiology results right on the patient’s EMR, and in a machine-readable format, meaning I can quickly navigate through the document."

"We were most impressed by MedOS’s UI, our staff found it extremely intuitive and fast which meant that there was minimal training time and it was a big relief from the clunky system we had prior."